Ledebouria socialis...maybe?

dave s wusong@evilemail.com
Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:38:20 PDT
Yeah, I basically beat mine into submission with a bone, dead dry wnter.
But the fact that it seems happy to grow in winter, or in spring, and will
grow in summer xcept in extreme heat makes me think it could be a hybrid of
socialis and some winter growing *Ledebouria*.  OTOH, it's SO distinct that
maybe it's an undescribed species...? Oh well.

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Steve Marak <samarak@gizmoworks.com> wrote:

> Dave,
> No idea about the origin of the plant - I got it from John. For me, the
> activity cycle is still a mystery, as I have it in every stage of growth
> from leafless dormant bulb to flowering, all within a few feet of each
> other, as I write this. And even what appear to be a few seedlings,
> germinated in a pot which was under an infloresence.
> (I have so much I've considered sending a bunch to Dell for the BX, but
> wasn't sure if others would like it as much as I do.)
> Steve
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, dave s wrote:
> > I asked about the plant *Ledebouria socialis* "Miner" (named in a rare
> fit
> > of Steve-Hammeritude by John Trager) a while back, nd no one had any
> ideas.
> > I just thought I'd float the question out there again:  Does anyone know
> the
> > origin of this plant? It seems to have a slightly different activity
> cycle
> > from other forms of socialis.  Not by much, but... Also, (forgive me)
> > anybody want to trade some for socialis clones WITH LOCALITY DATA?
> -- Steve Marak
> -- samarak@gizmoworks.com
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