Alberto, South Africa is not merely parkland devoted to bulb habitat but is also a populated, growing country in which people continue to build houses, roads and businesses. The government of South Africa, at least to some extent, is enlightened enough to allow (and in some cases to do so itself) the rescue of plants on sites slated for development. Often, these plants are retained by agencies or developers for future restoration and mitigation of developed habitat. In this case, an agency that supervises these endeavors in the northern, western Cape is reducing its facilities and has chosen to sell these plants to this nursery (and perhaps others). Although I do not have the means to inquire directly with the South African government to confirm the provenance of these bulbs, I have no reason to doubt the word of the seller concerning his source. Rescued plants are not uncommon among reputable sellers of South African bulbs as development in that country continues to consume the habitat in which these plants reside (however sad the loss of such extraordinary habitat may be). Others have mentioned problems with ordering from d'Oblong (the seller) but, apart from sometimes slow shipping habits, I have not had a problem with them. -|<ipp > They rescue bulbs to sell them? This is the world upside down! I would encourage every one not to support this aberrhation