Old IBS Number

Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:09:29 PDT
I'm hoping that some 'old timer' out there may have saved a record of 
the IBS seed exchange list from 1997.

Last year a friend shared with me a massonia labeled IBS 97-142. I know, 
so what, another massonia, but this one proved to be stubbornly 
evergreen, refusing to go dormant last summer. I'm wondering if it may 
be akin to the newly published M. sempervirens, as Aaron Floden 
described to the list.

I have already asked Dell, who claimed ignorance and referred me to 
Shawn Pollard, who also was in the dark.

There must be someone out there who keeps these lists!

Hoping for enlightenment,


NW of Boston, still frozen aside from snowdrops, eranthis, adonis and a 
dazzling show of Cyclamen coum.

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