You'll soon be receiving the summer issue of /The Bulb Garden/, which leads off with a message from President Jim Waddick. Alberto Castillo guides us through the many factors involved in starting a bulb collection, in the first article of a two-part primer. Nhu Nguyen describes the geophytic treasures of Ring Mountain Open Space Preserve, one of the most valuable pieces of real estate on the planet, perched as it is on the northern edge of San Francisco Bay---with a world-class view thrown in as a bonus. And Marguerite English introduces us to her iris favorites, tall bearded ones and the tiny reticulatas. For the autumn issue I'm still hunting around for one more article of 1,200 to 1,500 words. A book review would be welcome, but any subject will be considered that complements Alberto's part two of starting a bulb collection and a feature on the world's love affair with galanthus (snowdrops).Our long-time columnist Robin Hansen has retired and we are still looking for someone who likes to expound on a wide-ranging number of topics related to geophytes on a quarterly basis. Contact me at <>. Soon. The deadline is the end of August. Jane Merryman Co-editor, /The Bulb Garden/ -- Read my blog at