What's blooming this week - 7/27/2011

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Wed, 27 Jul 2011 14:19:07 PDT

First off as the one who compiled the favorite colored bulbs for the 
wiki, this was a huge job and I think it will be easier for Nhu if he 
compiles a list of bulbs around the world in bloom for each week if 
everyone includes the name of their plants in their post (not just a 
link) and as he requested use the subject heading for the specific week.

I'm not going to add a link to photos since I expect I've added 
photos of all the ones I have in bloom to the wiki at one time or another.

Because we had rainfall late I still have native California Brodiaeas 
and Triteleias in bloom. But these are the ones that are the most 
distinctive at the moment:
Allium jepsonii (late blooming California species)
Aristea capitata - I have a number of these and one or the other has 
been blooming for awhile. I thought the latest to bloom was a 
different species, but I think judging by the size, it is this 
species.  (198 cm. tall)
Begonia  boliviensis - we've talked about this one before and how you 
can make new plants from leaf cuttings
Cyclamen hederifolium - seems a bit early
Cyrtanthus elatus x montanus - in my greenhouse in big pots
Dierama - like Kathleen, my were of uncertain parentage and are 
probably D. pulcherrimum, even though that is a summer rainfall 
species and my plants get a lot of rain in winter and very little 
moisture in summer, but still survive and seed themselves about a bit 
in spite of my trying to deadhead them. I agree with Mike that they 
are very satisfying
Gladiolus tristis - this is the late blooming one with markings in the flowers
Haemanthus humilis - It is so exciting in summer to see that these 
are going to bloom as the bud appears at the bottom of the soil.
Lilium pardalinum - native to this area, with a wet spring these are 
thriving, both in the ground and in containers
Oxalis - I have species shared from Uli that are native to Ecuador 
and Mexico that bloom for months in summer
Polianthes geminiflora - of recent posts. I put mine under cover in 
winter and they lose almost all of their leaves

Mary Sue

Mary Sue Ittner
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers 

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