I guess I'm also a card carrying member of the old folks club. Park Seed used to send out a special catalog every so often, and a few times I purchased Worsleya bulbs. Yes, bulbs. They were sold as "Blue Amaryllis." Unfortunately, I treated them like...amaryllis. They didn't survive long. I also remember another mail order company that sold "Amorphophallus rivieri" in different "bulb" sizes. They had, as what seemed at the time, some awesome black and white photocopied photos in their price list type of catalog. I don't remember the company name, and sure wish I held onto all those all catalogs and price lists. Back to the Eucharis comments a week or so back...I donated some bulbs earlier this fall. Mine flower for me every year, but never more than one stalk (every few years, maybe two stalks) and never more than a few flowers per stalk. They were pot bound in an 8" pot. They were in that pot for about 12 years. Part sun to dappled shade outside in the summer, heavy on the water as they were irrigated by my sprinkler system, some generic water-soluble fertilizer when they were lucky, and in my garage for the winter. In the garage they were under fluorescent lights (cheap shop lights and bulbs) just to keep them alive. However, my garage is heated, and does not fall below 40F even during very cold winters. (That is my "cold frame.") They were watered in the garage only when very dry and the leaf edges began to turn yellow or brown. By spring they had only one or two leaves left per bulb. The flowering must have been brought on by the stress and dryness during the winter, and the more sun than shade during the summer. I hope this helps those who now own my old bulbs. I will (kind of) miss the plant! --Jerry Lehmann