I sort of agree with you Mike, but Californians tend to drive up and down the state a bit. So, I included a visit to Hollister as a short side extension to my next trip to visit friends in L.A. Maybe on your next trip past Casa de Fruta .... ----- Original Message ---- From: Michael Mace <mikemace@att.net> To: pbs@lists.ibiblio.org Sent: Fri, January 21, 2011 10:01:06 PM Subject: Re: [pbs] Seed permit Mike wrote: >> When I first applied for my seed permit, I wasted a huge amount of time trying to figure out how I'd get over to my closest USDA office during business hours. It's in Hollister, CA (a small town about 90 minutes south of San Jose). Then finally I realized that I could just mail in the form.