Hippeastrum calyptratum mounted

Josh Young joshy46013@yahoo.com
Thu, 06 Jan 2011 12:25:46 PST

   No retiring!  I haven't heard any of these stories, keep 'em comin'! :)  I 
grow my calyptratum in an orchid mix with a tad bit of sphagnum, they are really 


This is another one of those plants which, believe it or not, Park Seeds sold 
decades ago (back when they were selling Worsleya seed). I grew one from their 
seed but lost it before it flowered. A friend had one which he had grown from 
seed and it did flower. I remember the scent as odd and wax-like (I realize that 

that's not too helpful as a description; sorry). 

I've probably told that story before on this list; maybe it's time for me to 
retire  since I'm into re-runs now. 

Jim McKenney


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