A mystery bulb

Glen Lord gmaculata@gmail.com
Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:05:13 PST
Perhaps Crinum?

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Michael Mace <michaelcmace@gmail.com>wrote:

> Folks,
> PBS was contacted by Owen Robinson, who recently inherited a pot of bulbs
> among his grandmother's belongings.  He wondered if we could identify the
> bulbs for him.  I'll let Owen explain:
> ====
> I can't recall what the flower is but I do have a photo of the bulb above
> the soil and leaves.  All my gardening books and most stuff online just
> shows the flower which is why I thought I'd try you folks.  If your members
> can help that would be great but in not, maybe I'll have to wait to see
> what
> it does.
> The link to the photo is as follows.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/51868833@N08/
> The bulbs were my grandmothers and probably have been around for 15 years
> or
> more. No idea where or when they were bought. The bulb is about 2-3" in
> diameter and the leaves grow to 18-24" above the bulb.  I thought they
> might
> be amaryllis but the leaves are totally different.  They grow in a layered
> pattern up from the bulb a ways before branching out a various heights. The
> plant is in a window that gets direct sun from sunrise until after lunch.
>  I
> haven't been around the plant frequently until this year so I don't know
> when/if it blooms but it started producing leaves in late September
> (perhaps
> coincidentally shortly after I started watering it - so perhaps the timing
> this year is meaningless). One noticeable feature is the top of the bulb
> and
> lower part of the "stem" of leaves are covered with layers of thin material
> similar to garlic bulb covering.
> ====
> Any ideas on what grandma was growing?
> Thanks,
> Mike
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