Bureaucracy (was Seed permit)

bulborum botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Sat, 22 Jan 2011 23:58:07 PST
In Belgium 4 students blocked with a large container
the entrance from a phone company for some hours
with a phone number on the container

it is in Dutch sorry for that but with an English translation
but this is how to do all over the world
so they know how they treat us



2011/1/23 Ellen Hornig <hornig@earthlink.net>:
> But...but...couldn't it now be changed?  Now that we all know who to blame?
> This reminds me of when I recently spent about 6 hours trying to contact our cable company to report an outage (not 6 solid hours, but off and on).  When I finally got through to the right person and reported it, she scheduled us for repair 3 days hence,

R de Boer
La Maugardiere 1

Tel./Fax 0033-232-576-204
Email:   bulborum@gmail.com

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