Freesia laxa

Bulborum Botanicum
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 00:42:22 PST

because it's a hybrid does this mean seeds from Freesia laxa Joan Evans
you can't call Freesia laxa Joan Evans
or does it comes true from seed
I bought last year seeds and they flowered all smaller
as the other white ones with a red blotch
with the same seeding date


2011/12/7 David Fenwick <>:
>>>>>>The white form is incrusted everywhere, some have a red blotch ('Jean
> Evans')  and some are pure white.  The blue form  is not very vigorous.
> There is a white form of Freesia laxa with red spots called 'Joan Evans';
> however the name 'Joan Evans' should only be applied to the actual hybrid
> called this; and not any old hybrid. The red form of F. laxa is quite
> variable and because of this crossing it with the white gives variable white
> with red forms. This 'white with red spots form' would appear to be a
> recessive form of the species and is quite variable; the background colour
> can be of a brilliant white or dirty white, and the size and shape and
> intensity of the spotting can vary. In my opinion the white with red spot
> forms are probably not worthy of naming separately.
> A white with red spots form can also be found within the so called 'Rainbow
> Hybrid' strain in Australia.
> Best Wishes,
> Dave
> David Fenwick
> Heamoor, Penzance, Cornwall. UK.
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