more info on Freesia laxa on BX 298

Bulborum Botanicum
Tue, 06 Dec 2011 09:43:16 PST
Its the same here
just the ones I seeded very early
flowered in the summer
They flowered much shorter
Probably because of the hot temperature

By the way
Is there somebody with a few seeds form the pure white form
or unusual selections from Freesia laxa


2011/12/6 Brian Whyer <>
> Hi Gastil
> I am surprised at your comment on Flickr that the flowers last only a day. Must be the Californian heat. Here in the UK the flower spray I emailed on last 5 November are only just finished with no days without passable flowers in between. That is 6 flowers over about a month with some showing more or less at their best for several days each. I still have 2 sprays in bud to come, but near freezing overnight temperatures will slow them down a bit. They are under unheated glass at present. I will move them into frost free (min 7C) if this weather continues for much longer.
> Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8 ish

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