The Iris vicaria is a robust white form. Both Iris vicaria and cycloglossa have fleshy roots which are replaced annualy (as are the bulbs), these roots often detatch in handling. If they do the bulbs will still grow and, planted in sand, the roots will often grow new bulbs too. Best dusted with dolomitic lime before planting in a very free draining medium. They are greedy feeders and like water below the bulbs while in growth. Many growers who get summer rain plant juno Iris in sandy gravel to prevent the Summer dormant bulbs rotting. The Eremurus seedlings were seed from a plant which I grew to flowering from supposedly wild seed. The crown rotted the spring after it flowerd. I am not aware of another Eremurus nearby while it was in flower. It was at least 8 feet high with a lage rosette of spikey grey leaves. On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 6:39 PM, Dell Sherk <> wrote: > > >From Peter Taggart: > > 21. Bulb of Iris vicaria (only one order) > 22. Bulbs of Iris cycloglossa > 23. Bulblets of Iris reticulata 'Halkis' > 24. Seedlings of large Eremerus species grown from wild seed. > 25. Tubers of Geranium transversal, ex Ruksans > 26. Tubers of Geranium macrostylum, ex Ruksans > 29. Seed of Paeonia ex 'Aurelia' from Ray Cobbs, 'Aurelia' is a hybrid of > P. > molokosevitizii. My plants are almost indistinguishable from P. > molokosevitizii > > >