Extra dark leaves on Amaryllis belladonna ?

Steven hartsentwine.australia@gmail.com
Mon, 19 Dec 2011 04:10:53 PST
Hi, I've seen this heaps in other species, so I've asked this question too

From memory, individual plants ability to draw chemicals such as magnesium can be a factor In changes like purple & blackish colour variations in many species of plants. It is very common on the seasonal change toward the cooler months when plants have a reduced ability to process the magnesium.
This can happen in part of a single tray of seedlings & can be effected by calcium deficient mix, further reducing magnesium uptake.

Someone else with more scientific knowledge than me might beable to explain that in better detail.

On 19/12/2011, at 6:19 AM, The Silent Seed <santoury@aol.com> wrote:

> I think it was actually my very first BX/SX order, that I got some Amaryllis belladonna seeds - 

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