What's germinating this week.

clayton3120 clayton3120 clayton3120@cablespeed.com
Thu, 29 Dec 2011 14:13:45 PST
Good Afternoon, Seed Sowers.
This is great with all the trial info coming in.
Today I received an order of   Irisseed, mostly Junos,   Anemone species,
etc. etc.
I will take half the batch of each and use the GA3 treatment, and the
refrigerated seed in slightly moist medium.    It will be a while before I
can post results.
As i write this, here is a little report on Ga3 treated seed.
Lilium  candidum  seed , sown  11/29/11, Ga3 treatment 250 ppm, planted in
seed mix, and placed in coldframe,     10 seedlings emerged so far.
Fritillaria spefsiotica , sown 10/27/11, Ga3 treatment 300ppm, planted in
seed mix, 13 seedlings emerged so far.
Narcissus rupicola ssp. rupicola, sown 10/27/11, Ga3 treatment 300 ppm,
planted in seed mix,
12 seedlings emerged.
etc etc

A great continuing topic would be  damping off cultural practices,
Has anyone used 'Rootshield'  for an extended period?
Rick K

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:22 PM, Lee Poulsen <wpoulsen@pacbell.net> wrote:

> With all the talk of Deno's research as well as the use of gibberellic
> acid in getting seeds to germinate, I have to report that the method Diana
> of Telos Rare Bulbs uses to germinate seeds from the two American
> hemisphere mediterranean regions (Chile and California) has produced
> amazing results for me this autumn. In the past, I've always just sown
> seeds from both of these locations directly in 10-cm pots in the autumn and
> other than watering them, I would just leave them outside to experience the
> fluctuating autumn temperatures and sporadic rainfall that occurs here in
> southern California naturally (since this is a mediterranean region in the
> Western Hemisphere). I always get decent germination for most species, but
> some species have never germinated for me. I would always attribute it to
> their being from regions more poleward than where I live, and therefore
> more chilly, or from regions at much higher altitudes than my location, or
> even from regions more desert-y than my location.
> Regardless, in her blog, Diana mentioned that for seeds from California or
> Chile, she puts them in slightly moist vermiculite in sealed baggies in the
> autumn and then places them all in a refrigerator. She then checks all the
> bags on a regular basis for germination, and as they germinate, she takes
> them out of the fridge and plants them in her regular seedling mix.
> For me the process is still underway, so I don't know the final result,
> but so far, the results have been overwhelming to me, both in the species
> that have finally germinated for me, as well as in the numbers of seeds
> that germinate. I've finally gotten Rhodophiala rhodolirion, both pink and
> white versions to germinate, and they germinated almost as quickly as the
> low elevation species did--about 2 weeks in the fridge. Also, the
> Calochortus seeds from the first round that came from the BX have
> germinated (I believe some of them were the old seeds from Nhu that Michael
> Mace referred to). And then to my most pleasant surprise, several species
> of Chilean seeds that I got in May of 2010 and was unable to sow that
> autumn due to excessive business travel, have all germinated including
> seeds that I didn't think would be viable that long.
> It's a little more trouble to plant germinated seeds, but well worth the
> increased germination rate. (Another example is Tropaeolum azureum: I've
> always gotten maybe 1 or 2, never more than 3, seeds out of every 10 that
> I've planted to germinate in the past. This time, 8 or 9 out of 10 seeds
> germinated and I was completely unprepared for that. I purchased more of
> this to try this year since I was unable to plant the seeds I bought a year
> and a half ago. But the old seeds germinated in almost the same numbers, so
> now I have two full pots of this growing!)
> I think I'm sold on this method now.
> --Lee Poulsen
> Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
> Latitude 34°N, Altitude 1150 ft/350 m
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