
Bulborum Botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 07:12:02 PST
I have Polygonatum odoratum RGBB for you LN IJmuiden Netherland
I still don't know what the correct name is
Is the Asian one true named
or the European one the true one
and is the Dutch one (the only one growing in the dunes) an other ssp. or var.


2011/12/7 aaron floden <aaron_floden@yahoo.com>:
>  It has been a while since I last asked if anyone was growing documented origin Polygonatum. So, I ask now if anyone has plants with provenance and they are willing to trade I am more than happy to discuss possible trades. Any Hinkley collections would be superb (except DJHC600, falcatum, and lasianthum which I have). Chris Chadwell collections from the previous decade, Jurasek, etc.
>  There are some species I am willing to accept without provenance, but those are few (and really only applies to species I don't currently have!).
>  Also, if anyone has any they want identified send me an image, in flower, with some information about the rhizome, flower size, and if possible details of the flower morphology. The latter is not always necessary except in those verticillate taxa of SW China.
>  Aaron Floden
>  Knoxville, Tennessee
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R de Boer
La Maugardiere 1

Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204
Email:   bulborum@gmail.com

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