
Tomas Sandberg
Thu, 25 Aug 2011 04:58:24 PDT

I am growing Griffinia in my home (apartment) and they are very easy and 
it is the species that has flowered most of all species I have as my G  
rochae it has been in flower for 5 times this year, G liboniana 2 times, 
G epsiritensis 1 time, G parviflora 2 times

And I have them in front of a big window with half shade gives them 
water 2-3 times/week.

I am very found of Griffinias and I have approx. 20 of them and 6 
species but I need other clones to avoid the seed capsules from explode, 
I have tried several trick about this as pollinate when fade out, 
pollinate after spraying with water but it doesn't work for me.

I am only waiting for my G hyacinthina to flower I have had it for two 
years now and it grows well and is as you know the biggest of all 
Griffinias bigger than many of my Hippeastrums and it seems to be 
reliable too and that's good, so next year if I have luck it might 
flower, it is a mature bulb with the age of 13 years.


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