Mine, too, Boyce. Additionally, the L. longituba, and an L. longituba hybrid, and even some L. sprengeri. I expected such after such a late start from the normally early species. Just bone hard soil and 100 degree temps until last Tuesday. My L. radiata var. pumila normally get started mid-August, and here we are, so I'm expecting major activity through this week. We shall see. Time to pollinate, I suppose. Mr. Kelly M. Irvin 10850 Hodge Ln Gravette, AR 72736 USA 479-787-9958 USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b http://www.irvincentral.com/ On 8/15/11 4:59 PM, Boyce Tankersley wrote: > Finally the Lycoris are coming up at Chicago Botanic Garden and in my home > landscape in Grayslake. Curious this year, both sanguinea and squamigera > are coming into flower at the same time.