There are currently 6 UK suppliers, according to the RHS Plant Finder, although you should check with the nurseries direct.… Not sure where my seedlings are either. Brian Whyer, Buckingahmshire, England, zone ~8 Nerine buds just showing --- On Wed, 31/8/11, bulborum botanicum <> wrote: From: bulborum botanicum <> Subject: [pbs] Scoliopus hallii To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <> Date: Wednesday, 31 August, 2011, 14:27 I am searching for a customer Scoliopus hallii is there somebody who knows a grower Thanks in advance Roland -- R de Boer La Maugardiere 1 F 27260 EPAIGNES FRANCE Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204 Email: