Whats blooming week of Aug 29 2011

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:53:11 PDT
A few alliums flowering  here including beesianum, several Colchicums,
alpinum, aff stevenii, kotchyi... graecum is long over . A Biarum is in
bloom, the Pinellas are more or less over and setting seeds. a Massonia is
taking ages to open. My only Lycoris is a new aquisition of radiata and it
is coming up strongly, potted deeply. I shall probably plant it out in the
spring. Flowers still on Cyclemans purpurescens,as well as hederifolium,
probably cilicium too  but I haven't checked yet. Nerine bowdenii is sending
up scapes but none yet on N gibsonii though it is looking stronger now,
having only just survived a record low here of near -18 C!
Peter (UK)

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