Intergenetic crosses/ google Books

James Swayne
Sun, 21 Aug 2011 08:32:30 PDT
You should be able to read the Google books text is several ways, the best is to use the "Plain text" option.  Here is a copy of what I assume you are interested in: :HYBRIDISATION In AMARYLLE2E.
{Concluded from p. 00.)

Attempts At Raising Inter-specific Hybrids At Isleworth.—A bare record of the few successes that have attended efforts at hybridisation give no idea of the totality of effort required to produce even such meagre results. I have therefore tabulated a few of the crosses which I have attempted, and which were registered at the time. These do not represent one half of the attempts I have made, because no register was kept, except in cases in which the swelling fruit gave promise of seed, and in hundreds of cases this did not occur. I have also practically eliminated the huge record of generic crosses attempted, none of which have, up to the present succeeded beyond possibility. of dispute. I have defined for these purposes "a species" to be o collection oj individuals branny evidence of a common parentage, in which all the important and easily recognisable attributes of the inflorescence and seeds are fixed, and which reproduce such characters in their seed progeny.

Variations in the leaves or in the colour or markings of the flowers constitute varieties.

A specific hybrid, therefore, in my view, must differ specifically from the female parent.

A varietal divergence is not enough to prove hybridisation, as self-fertilised seedlings of many true species will show varietal divergence from the type in perhaps one per cent, to live per cent, of the seedlings.

In many cases where seeds have been raised after attempted hybridisation, sufficient time has not elapsed for them to flower; in other cases they have flowered and shown no specific divergence from the female type.

In the former case Small Capitals indicate the supposed male parent: in the latter case italics are used in the subjoined tabular matter; and ordinary type indicates that no fertile seed was formed.

The total of results gives 159 registered attempts) of which 146 are absolute failures, and thirteen possible successes. Of these thirteen, I had hopes of success in three cases, and have undoubtedly succeeded in one case.

On this analysis it would appear, on the one hand; that the chances of really effecting hybridisation is at the most not more than about two per cent., perhaps not more than 0'6 per cent. ; and, by including unregistered attempts, these figures would be halved.

On the other hand, it should not be overlooked that my object throughout was Dot to register the correct percentage of possible hybrids between all the species in any genus, but rather to raise hybrids between species so far removed from each other as to make any offspring possess horticultural merit. In short, my aim was to do the difficult thing rather than the obvious. i ... 111-. A Few Inter-generic Crosses Attempted.

Vallota x Gastronema samjuineum (died after germination).

Spbekelia x Hippeahtrum.

Sprekelia x H. rutilum (2), x H. equestre (2). x H. procerum (discontinued efforts, M plant never carries seeds with me. It is recorded to have once carried seed in Col. Trevor Clarke's garden).

Brunsvigia Josephines x Faliota (died after germination).

Amaryllis x Lycobis Squamigera (3).

Inter-Specific Fertilisation!. Hippeastrum, Zephyranthes, And Sprekelia.

H. rntilom x equestre (2), x Sprekelia (4), x vittatum (died), x Z, brachyandrum, x SolanDriflorum (2). (Rutilum carries seed freely on its own or mongrel pollen.)

H. procerum x aulicum (2), x Sprekelia (carries •eed on its own pollen).

H. equestre x rutilum x Sprekelia (2), x vittatum x solandriSorum x Z. Anderioni (carries seed freely with mongrel pollen).

H. regiras x Bolandriflorum x Z. brachyandra.

H. stylosnm x Solandriflorum.

H. tricholepis x vittatum (2), x rutilum > Sprekelia.

H. vittatum x Equestre X Z. Candida (seeds freely on its own pollen).

H. organense • 7, brachyandra.

H. aulicum x Vittatum (4), x Z Candida ('2), x rutilum x procerum (2), (seeds freely on its own or mongrel pollen).

Eabranthus advenum < Hip. aulicum (never set seed).


C. Moorei x scabrum x odorum (13), x fimbriatulum (3), x Campanulatum X zeylanicum x amabile (8) (seeds freely on its own pollen.

C. scabrum < Moorei (hybrid raised) (seeds on its own pollen).

C. odorum x Moorei (23), (never carries reed).

C. amabile x Moorei (3), x giganteum (2).

C. fimbriatulum ■ Moorei (2).

C. giganteum x zeylanicum (5), x odorum (4), x Moorei (2), x amabile (3).

C. zeylanicum x giganteum x Moorei ('2), (never seeds with me).

C. purpurascens x Moorei (6), > amabile x giganteum (never seeds).

Pancratia. Ismene calathina x Elisena. Elisena x Calathina X Moritziana (3). Hymenocallis specioea x calathina. Euoharis Lehmanni x Orandiflora (seeds freely on its own pollen). E. Sanderi x Lehmanni (S), (never seeds).


Zephyranthes brachyandra x H. rutilum, x H. aulicum (2), x Hippeastrum tp. (2), x Sprekelia (2), x Z. Candida (2), x Placea Ornata (4), x Lycoris Squamigera.

Z. rosea x H. aulicum x H. reginte (2), (seeds on its own pollen).

Z. carinata x H. anlicnm (never seeds).

Z. gracifolia x H. vittatum (seeds on its own pollen).

Note.—The figures in parentheses show the number of times that particular cross was attempted. A. Worthy, Jan., 1901.

Jim Swayne
4009 Old Milton Hwy
Walla Walla, WA 99362-7194

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