Russian Allium - A nutans? / rhizomatous alliums in flower now

Peter Taggart
Tue, 23 Aug 2011 01:39:47 PDT
My plant is much more attractive untill the frame drys out in June, and the
leaves are quite like yours then Markus, but it would be good to have a
couple of other really distinct forms. A senscens glaucophyllum and A
senscens montanum are still flowering here and so is A angulosum in a really
deep mauve.
This Allium 'nutans' I have reminds me of what I have as A plummerae, an
american species , the leaves are strongly keeled so as to be almost
triangular in cross section, but the flowers are pink not white as in the
Peter (UK)

On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:11 AM, Markus Breier <> wrote:

> Peter, thank you!
> It really seems to be Allium nutans, a quite variable species and there are
> broad-leafed forms in cultivation, too.

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