apomixis; was RE: Plants of hybrid origin

Donald Barnett rakkasanbarnett@gmail.com
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 08:52:49 PDT
Many or most of the cactus species are apomicticm. Flowers do not always
occur at the same time or the plants are spread far apart. Sclerocactus and
pediocactus I grow are completely closed in with no pollinators and they
still make seeds. With pollination the plants produce way more seed but its
just their way of keeping the species alive. So apomixity is apart of cactus

On Jun 15, 2010 7:08 AM, "Jim McKenney" <jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com> wrote:

The term apomixis and by extension the concept of apomictic species have
come up in our discussion of plants of hybrid origin.

Since plants which arise from apomixis are said to be genetically identical
to the parent from which they derive, they form, in effect, clones.

Incidentally, this term apomixis antedates any technology which would allow
one to prove what the term purports to assert: that the entities in question
are in fact genetically identical. Until very recently there was no reason
to regard any claim of apomixis as anything but a hypothetical assertion.
Even now, has a comparison of the entire genomes of two entities been done?

From a taxonomic point of view, I assert that the so-called "microspecies"
formed by apomictic populations are misclassified; they have been classified
at rank species, but they should be classified at rank Individuum. They
really are no different than the clones of garden daffodils or tulips.

Jim McKenney


Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

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