All my Daubenya have died, so far. > All mine did too until I started to grow them in an 80-90% mineral mix and turned an air circulating fan in their direction, botrytis or something similar is a major peril. Daubenya and Massonia germinate over at least a two year period. Mark Mazer Hertford, North Carolina USA Lachenalia, bulbifera 'My friend Spot', aloides var quadricolor, congesta, namibiensis, kliprandensis; Lapeirpousia plicata (an underappreciated genus); Onoxitis stricta; Muscari sp. from Attica, Greece; Oxalis purpurescens forms, versicolor, melonasticta, namaquana, "Omel; Ornithogalum longibracteatum; Zantedeschia aethiopica in bloom. Seed of Lach rubida and pusilla almost ready to harvest, Gladiouls carmineus ripe and sown. Cold weather forecast for the next week (windspeed aloft and air temps aloft today are colder and faster than I've seen in years) here and watch out Europe (yes you Spain and Portugal), the Mediteranean (snow?)and even Northern Africa for an outbreak of Arctic cold