winter cheer - 'Cedric' & Galanthus

James Waddick
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 14:45:25 PST
Dear Friends,
	We've had a long gloomy month here in the Heartland. There's 
been about a foot of snow for a month. It has slowly been melting 
after a 5 day round of temps in the low 40s F and dense fog. All very 
odd for this area. During this time the temps went as low as -10F and 
stayed below freezing /32 F for about 10 days.

	Narcissus 'Cedric Morris' usually begins blooming by the end 
of Jan to mid-February. It opened its first flowers Nov 22, 09 and 
now 2 months later! the first flower is finally fading. It has 
thrived in these long , cold and dull days. We keep it under a 
plastic dome to keep the bunnies from eating them, not as protection 
from the cold.

	There are still flowers in fine shape that opened after 
November. Quite remarkable in this climate.

	Meanwhile as the snow is slowly melting - but still not gone 
- our most vigorous snow drop/Galanthus is visible and showing color. 
This is the cv I've praised before from Don Hackenberry called 
"'Mighty Atom' - NOT". Close, but no cigar.

	This is our most reliable grower. It always flowers, the 
flowers are as large or larger than any other snowdrop (including 'S. 
Arnott' ), the clumps increase in size each year and it seems to 
divide and move without a care. Totally trouble free.

	The melting snow has also made evident the freeze and cold 
damage to exposed leaves, frozen buds on Helleborus foetidus and 
similar.  A foot of snow provides considerable protection, but at -10 
there's just so much we can count on.

	Can spring be far ?			Best and warm 
thoughts		Jim W.

ps We just finished mailing out first 100 SIGNA seed packages to 
members. Whew. A good start, but a lot of work.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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