As Jim McKinney implies it is something of a nightmare made worse depending on whether you are a taxonomic 'lumper' or a 'splitter. As a Scot may I make a plea that if anyone is taking Roger's advice of settling down with a stiff drink, please make it a Malt Whisky from Scotland, if you can get it. We sell the blended whisky to the English, Russians and Japanese. Any surplus single Malts have an unofficial embargo on export because we would fall fowl-fool-foul, or over, with the World Trade regulations so do it on the QT.! Back to Narcissus I use the good offices of a couple of gents who are as diseased over Narcissus as I am over Lilium plus dipping into Blanchard's book published by the Alpine Garden Society (1990) entitled "Narcissus - A guide to Wild Daffodils" ISBN # 0 900048 53 0. What isn't clear this Friday evening is if its still available new or via Second Hand book dealers. Quite a lot of taxonomic water has gone under the Narcissus bridge over the past 20 years however. Blanchard lists N. cantabricus ssp. cantabricus + monophyllus and ssp. tananicus. A very significant amount of paper is devoted to this taxon sensu lato but try a look up on Flora Europae I recently received some wild collected seed of this taxon and several others from a contact so it will be interesting to see what comes up, also included were a couple of collections of natural occurring hybrids but with out access to my office computer and the seed sowing list I can't remember just exactly what this was. Best of luck. Iain -- I am using the free version of SPAMfighter. We are a community of 6 million users fighting spam. SPAMfighter has removed 135212 of my spam emails to date. Get the free SPAMfighter here: The Professional version does not have this message