>From personal and painful knowledge of the process of selling snowdrop bulbs to North America, the total cost of licensing is in the order of £100. It is expensive, but it is a fixed price covering from 1 - infinity bulbs, so in a large shared order it soon becomes diluted. I venture to say that the cost of purchasing a healthy dormant bulb of a specialist snowdrop from the UK is a lot less than acquiring one from my friend Hitch Lyman of Temple Nursery sold, alas, in growth. We attempt to ship several orders each year from Colesbourne, selling bulbs only when dormant, and it mostly works well, but last year had two consignments to the USA rejected on a paperwork technicality beyond our control. At least APHIS returned the bulbs to us... John Grimshaw Snowdrops at Colesbourne Park 2010 Every Saturday and Sunday from 30 January to 28 February http://www.colesbournegardens.org.uk/ Visit John Grimshaw's Garden Diary http://johngrimshawsgardendiary.blogspot.com/ Dr. John M. Grimshaw Sycamore Cottage Colesbourne Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 9NP