Year end Seed Distribution & Sale

Michael Homick
Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:26:11 PST
Greetings, Pacific Bulb Society members,
Extra seed from the Pacific Bulb Society Bulb and Seed Exchange (BX) is
available now for a reduced price. See the list which is attached.


Seed is priced at $1.00/pkt. All of the seed has been stored in cool, dry
conditions to preserve its viability. A small shipping and handling charge
will be added due to increases in postal rates ($1.00 domestic, $2.00
international). A bill will be included with your shipment.


If you are interested in obtaining some of this seed, please email me at or mail your order to Michael Homick, 4444 Van Clief
Rd., Stevinson, CA 95374. Orders will be filled on a first come first served
basis, and some supplies are limited. Please order by the numbers to the
left of the species list.  Please be sure to include your mailing address.

This offering is for PBS membership only. If you want to have first choice
on this batch of seed, send me your orders as soon as possible. Non PBS
members are ineligible to order seed from this offering. If you wish to
become a member you can visit the PBS website and become a member.


Best wishes,


Michael Homick, Assistant Seed Administrator, PBS BX


Please be aware Dell is not handling this particular exchange, but monies
will still go to Arnold.


2009 PBS Seed Offerings


1          Albuca nelsonii

2          Albuca sp.

3          Allium canadense, ggod form

4          Allium nyalinum

5          Alophia drummondii

6          Alstroemeria, mix

7          Anamotheca laxa

8          Belamcanda cinensis 'Hello Yellow'

9          Belamcanda cinensis hybrid

10        Calochortus argillosus

11         Calochortus venustus

12        Costus speciosus

13        Cypella coelestis

14        Cyranthus (fire lily group)

15        Dracunculus vulgaris

16        Echeandia texensis

17        Erythrina herbacea

18        Ferraria crispa

19        Freesia alba, selected form

20       Freesia fergusoniae

21        Freesia laxa, frmly Lapeirousia laxa

22        Freesia viridis

23        Galtonia viridiflora

24        Gladiolus carmineus

25        Gloriosa

26        Herbertia lahue

27        Herbertia lahue ex 'Prairie Nymph'

28       Hesperoxiphion peruvianum

29        Hyacinthoides x Massartina

30       Iris graminea

31        Iris lactea var chrisantha

32        Lachenalia alba

33        Lapeirousia corymbosa

34        Lilium formosanum - 4 ft.

35        Lilium formosanum - 8 ft stalk

36        Lilium formosanum - tall form

37        Lilium leitlinii

38       Lilium leucanthum OP

39        Massonia echinata ex Mesa

40       Mateloa edwardsensis

41        Mirabilis jalapa

42        Moraea huttonii

43        Moraea polystachya

44        Ornithogalum magnum

45        Pancratium maritimum

46        Paradisea liliastrum

47        Polyxena longituba

48       Rhodophiala advena

49        Rhodophiala bifida, fuchsia pink

50        Rhodophiala bifida, probably

51        Sisyrinchium californicum

52        Sparaxis hybrids

53        Tigridia pavonia

54        Triteleia hyacinthina

55        Tulipa clusiana 'Lady Jane'

56        Tulipa sylvestris

57        Tulipa turkestanica ex K. Soyce

58        Urginea maritima

59        Watsonia - white

60       Zantedeschia, mixed colors

61        Zigadenus fremontii

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