Weather and Pre-spring

James Waddick
Thu, 18 Feb 2010 14:39:38 PST
Dear Friends,
	We've had two whole days mostly in sunshine and the temps 
have managed to get above 40 F.
	We have a 4 day forecast that includes 2 snow storms and 
temps as low as 20F.

	The warm sun has produced fully open flowers on Winter 
Aconites (Eranthis). They had been sitting there as golden balls of 
buds , waiting to spread out.  One clump of an un-named Galanthus has 
opened and spread its 'wings' while most others remain tightly closed 
and now still turned down.

	We were surprised to see the yellow specks in the leaf mulch 
were Adonis amurensis pushing up to show the tips of their petals and 
they managed to half open before the snow hits later tonight. Maybe 
the next warm spell will push them to bend their stems down and 
spread their petals.

	Still no crocus open and few even showing points of leaves.

	Lots of hellebores are pushing buds up into the cold and many 
Lycoris are show tips of their spring foliage.  Likewise many 
daffodils are up less than an inch although Narcissus 'Rijnveld's 
Early Sensation' has come up far enough for earliest buds to get 
frozen. Hopefully there's a few more in reserve.

	We have quite a bit of above-ground and above-snow-line 
damage this winter, but new plantings were fairly well mulched last 
fall.  Have to sit on our hands and not go poking around as much as 
we want to.

	As winter looms for another week, the long term forecast 
isn't too good either. Where's that rascally ground hog?

			Best		Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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