While we're on the subject of Arisaema... As many of you know, Arisaema griffithii is available from a number of general bulb vendors in the USA. I had purchased these two or three times in the past, with the same result. I'd receive a firm healthy bulb and plant it promptly, and that would be the last I'd see of it. Last year I purchased a bulb (on sale). When I received it, I put it, unpotted, in the crisper drawer of my refrigerator and left it there for about six weeks (temperature 40 F/4 C). I then planted it and, lo and behold!, it sprouted roots and leaves. Unfortunately, I let it dry out (vacation) and it expired. Either that, or our heat and humidity did it in. I suspect that many of our Arisaema bulbs are imported from India, where they may not get enough chilling during storage. I'm going to repeat my experiment this year, but I think I'll try A. griffithii as a house plant. Eugene Zielinski Augusta, GA USA