On the other hand we could create a wiki page like we had for favorite color bulbs and gather all the nominees from the areas people reported with their names and add photographs when available. I don't have time to do this. Kathleen would you be interested in compiling a list since you started this thread? Mary Sue, I can certainly compile lists for the wiki. I've been compiling the winter-spring bulbs list, which was my original intent, and can easily go back and compile the summer bulbs. I agree that some are invasive, so I will come up with a way to demarcate those, and or perhaps note climates/locations where aggressive behavior is seen. It will help going forward if people remind us of growing zones, or states, or similar when sending their observations to the group. Kathleen On the SW WA coast, where yet another storm, with t-storms, rain, and winds to only 48 mph blasted through today. On the plus side, my Lilium columbianum seeds started sprouting this week. Geophytes rock!