Hi, Diane. "A vast hybrid swarm" of Nomocharis. What a glorious daydream. I haven't been able to keep any Nomocharis in a pot, but plain old N. aperta is holding its own in our garden. It's on a moist, humusy slope, in sun for less than half the day. It might prefer different conditions -- peat and sun are mentioned in the journals -- but it has bloomed faithfully since 2004. Perhaps moisture is important. We get more rain than you do, and even in dry late summer we irrigate where the Nomocharis grows for the sake of other plants that we *know* want moisture. I have wondered whether these little bulbs are short-lived but stoloniferous. I mark stems that have flowered with stakes for later digging. Sometimes I find no bulb at the foot of a stake but another bulb not far away. Counter-theory: muscle-bound voles push them aside as they tunnel. Counter-counter theory: weeders move the stakes. Science in the slow lane. Paige Woodward on top of Chilliwack Mountain in SW British Columbia Canada wet Zone 6