I've been busy fixing things on the wiki lately and only today read all the messages on this thread. In Coastal Northern California some of the invasive plants qualify for inclusion so for them wouldn't want to encourage anyone to plant them. Here are some bulbs I have observed in areas continuing to grow and thrive in areas where they are no longer tended: Allium triquetrum, Amaryllis belladonna, Oxalis pes-caprae, Narcissus spp. (could be hybrids, I've not tried to figure out what they are, but you see them along Highway One), Kniphofia (also not sure if these are species or hybrids), Zantedeschia aethiopica, some kind of Bearded Iris, Watsonia, more than one species but definitely Watsonia meriana var bulbillifera, Chasmanthe, again I'm not sure which species I've probably forgotten some. Mary Sue