Bay Area weedy Alliums

David Ehrlich
Sat, 03 Apr 2010 19:07:07 PDT
Hi Nhu,

  The problem is that Allium neapolitanum also has a 3-sided peduncle with white flowers and is also common in the Bay Area.  I think the best indicator is that A. neapolitanum has erect flowers while those of A. triquetrum are drooping.  I have also read that the peduncle of A. neapolitanum may be slightly winged on two of its angles.

Thanks to all of you who answered.  The reason I asked this question is that one (or both) of these onions is a common, though not particularly aggressive weed in my neighborhood, and I wanted to know which species it is.  Keying it out in two different keys gave me the two different answers.

David E.

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