Bulb fly question

Boyce Tankersley btankers@chicagobotanic.org
Tue, 27 Apr 2010 11:10:53 PDT
Hi Jim:

Our Plant Health Care staff at CBG have gotten interested in this
critter. According to the information they dug up it is spread across
the continental USA. One of the fact sheets they forwarded originated in
southeastern USA.

We have staff and volunteers on the lookout in an effort to catch one
and send it in for a definitive identification.

Boyce Tankersley
Director of Living Plant Documentation
Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022
tel: 847-835-6841
fax: 847-835-1635
email: btankers@chicagobotanic.org

"	Can anyone give a fairly definitive answer to the question : 
What is the North American distribution of the Narcissus Bulb Fly 

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