Flower count - WAS: What makes erythroniums bloom?

Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Tue, 13 Apr 2010 04:12:00 PDT
Pacific Rim wrote:
> Careful. Diana is the most scrupulous grower I have encountered in my own 
> life as a grower.
Agreed!! I was just comparing Diana's listing to Jane's much more 
conservative rating. Maybe it is even hardier--Brent and Becky list it 
as Z3-9, growable (or at least winter hardy) in every state of the lower 
48. I personally have never grown tuolumnense, but 'Pagoda' is fine 
here, but reputed to be easier to grow. Any Zone 3 or 4 (with unreliable 
snow) growers out there?

Nobody has mentioned E. grandiflorum as a worthy westerner. It has been 
fine here for a few seasons in a generic shady perennial bed, nothing 
special. Not really showy, but it is cute. Any other fans?


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