Flower count - WAS: What makes erythroniums bloom?

Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Mon, 12 Apr 2010 10:11:30 PDT
Jane McGary wrote:

> This plant is widely grown in the Pacific 
> Northwest in areas where winter lows in the 
> mid-teens F are common. However, that does not 
> mean it will thrive in Illinois, where it will be 
> subject to summer rainfall and warm night temperatures.
Interesting that Telos Rare Bulbs lists E. tuolumnense as Z4-8. Or is 
this a copy of those oh-so-reliable Dutch descriptions?

That said, E. helenae appears to come from a similar low elevation 
environment (Chaparral, Yellow Pine Forest, Foothill Woodland), yet is 
doing well in our Z5-6-7 environment (pick a number, any number) with 
all that summer rainfall and many warmish nights. Is this to be expected?

Also, are erythroniums self compatible, or does it take two to get seed?

NW of Boston
First flower open on E. helenae today

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