Edible bulbs

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Fri, 02 Apr 2010 19:12:20 PDT
> My attitude toward Alliums, and I do forage wild plants when I hike in the
> Sierra (or even around home), is: if it tastes or smells like an onion, eat
> it; if it doesn't, don't.

I feel that the only wild onion that should be eaten in California is the
invasive Allium triquetrum and perhaps the native Allium hyalinum which can
grow in huge masses in the mountains. It is a shame to eat bulbs that take
4-5 years to mature from seeds, especially when their populations tend to be
small. I recently wrote in the Bulb Garden about onions endemic to CA that
produce only a single leaf each year. It certainly sets the bulb back if
that single leaf was collected for food. However, nibbling on a flower to
have a taste (and I'm told that each species tastes differently) will
probably not be detrimental to the plant.

Berkeley, CA -- getting some more rain today but perhaps a clear Saturday

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