Family classification

gentiaan bulborum
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 15:28:12 PDT
Hello Dave

Thanks chancing a genus is not a problem for the clients
it is the name chancing. They don't understand why the old name is not correct

A problem I found in determinating was in Scilla obtusifolia
Even after two days surfing on internet
no real descriptions of the Scilla obtusifolia ssp. Found on Corsica and Sicily
Good found was Biarum review from Peter Boyce
good descriptions and maps
If every genus was so good de scripted life was easier


2010/4/29 David Fenwick Snr. <>:
> Hi Roland,
> The best change I can think of is with some of the North American Aster
> species some of which have gone to Symphyotrichum; although that's only a
> genus change, even more eye opening for me was in the transfer of Viburnum
> and Sambucus from the Caprifoliaceae to the Adoxaceae (Moschatel Family), a
> low growing perennial herbs.
> I realise completely how hard it is to keep up with change, but I too agree
> with change, at the present time I'm trying to produce an accurate taxonomy
> for both native and alien species found in the UK and I'd rather get things
> right the first time. It's proving quite difficult though given the new
> floras haven't yet been published. Apparently it will be soon so when they
> are it'll be good to report how bulbous families are being dealt with in
> them.
> Mary Sue, thanks for your help much appreciated, still studying your post.
> Best Wishes,
> Dave
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