Hippeastrum: Back to Fragrance

David Maxwell opbungalow@gmail.com
Mon, 12 Apr 2010 13:35:18 PDT
Hi All,

a big, beautiful Hippeastrum single, 'Lilac Wonder', I bought a couple years
ago from McClure & Zimmerman is blooming again...and I notice the same soapy
aroma that my H.x johnsonii had.

'Lilac Wonder' is probably a H.x johnsonii derivative, since it has the
same (slightly) trumpeted shape...and white-throated star pattern inside
raspberry red petals.

It's my understanding that H.x johnsonii is a specie hybrid of H.vittatum
and H.reginae.

So does anyone know which of these species...or possible both...gives H.x
johnsonii its soapy smell?


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