Peony season 2010 has started in my garden

Adam Fikso
Thu, 08 Apr 2010 22:11:07 PDT
Robin.:  My tree peonies regularly take zero degrees for 2-3 days or a week 
at a time.  And have gone to -20 with no harm more than once while they're 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robin Hansen" <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 9:52 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Peony season 2010 has started in my garden

My peony season started about 10 days ago with P. cambessidessii, in a cold 
hoop house.  This is the first year it has bloomed from seed started 3 years 
ago.  Is this a normal time for it?  The foliage is just so incredible - 
silvery green suffused with rose.

The tree peonies in the garden that took a hit of 12 degrees this winter are 
showing buds.  One is a very double medium pink intensely fragrant hybrid 
from seed.  The other is the single yellow P. ludlowii ss. ??? or do I have 
it backwards?

Jim, I was interested to note you claim 39 degrees of latitude -- to our 44 
here in North Bend on the south coast of Oregon.

Robin Hansen
Zone 9, sort of
North Bend, Oregon

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim McKenney
  To: 'Pacific Bulb Society'
  Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:03 PM
  Subject: [pbs] Peony season 2010 has started in my garden

  The 2010 peony season opened on Tuesday with (as usual here) the flowering
  of Paeonia mascula. Nearby is a handsome plant of Dicentra spectabilis -
  their colors are very similar. I should move in some Pulmonaria azurea for 
  great color contrast.

  Things are happening so quickly this year that I can't keep up. Frits and
  early tulips have been coming into bloom and shriveling two days later. 
  came and went before I got pictures.

  The garden is full of odd flower combinations this year for sure. We've 
  several days this week when the temperatures not only reached 90º F (~ 32 
  but remained there for hours. At 8:30 P.M. last night, the temperature was
  86º F - and it did not cool down quickly.

  Storms are predicted for this evening as a cold front arrives. The daily
  highs during the approaching weekend are expected to be about 30º F lower.

  I'm not positive, but I think I see the tip of an inflorescence on
  Dracunculus vulgaris already.

  I don't mow the front lawn here until the snowdrops and crocuses have
  ripened their seed. As a result we typically have the shabbiest looking 
  in the neighborhood while everyone who has been applying high nitrogen
  fertilizers has a picture perfect lawn. The heat this year has made it 
  then ever - the lawn is dingy white this week with the flowers of weedy
  Cardamine. I'm waiting for the lawn police to knock on the door (But
  officer, I just wanted to get a good seed collection from my snowdrops.).

  Early roses are said to have started to bloom in one local garden - but 
  here yet (although some which just arrived from a California nursery are 
  advanced bud - very exciting stuff here).

  Jim McKenney
  Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA 
  7; geez, Jane, multiscapidium? And the seven syllables of multiscapoideum
  were so much more fun to pronounce (not that I really ever heard anyone do
  it correctly).
  My Virtual Maryland Garden

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