Flower count - WAS: What makes erythroniums bloom?

Eugene Zielinski eez55@earthlink.net
Tue, 20 Apr 2010 20:36:09 PDT
I would give E. tuolumnense a try.
Many, many years ago (mid 1970's) I purchased a bulb from Park Seed and
planted it in a shady part of my tiny back yard in Buffalo, NY.  The plant
did quite well, blooming every year and even increasing a little by
division.  It never set seed.  Because it is near lake Erie, Buffalo is
part of zone 6, but I can assure you the winters are long, cold, and windy
-- and usually snowy.  Frost heave can be a problem, too.  Summers are
fairly warm and moist, which didn't seem to bother the bulbs.
I also ordered a bulb of E. hendersonii.  It also grew reliably, but never
I moved away from Buffalo in the late 1970's, so I can't say how long the
bulbs lasted.

Eugene Zielinski
Augusta, GA

> [Original Message]
> From: Adam Fikso
> To: Pacific Bulb Society
> Date: 4/12/2010 11:52:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Flower count - WAS: What makes erythroniums bloom?
> Re: Erythronium tuolumnense:  What is the coldest temperature that anyone 
> has grown this at?   Or- what is the highest elevation at which it
> I know that Tuolumne Meadows at 8600 'has gotten to -14 ° F, and I assume 
> that it might be found there.   Having read recent postings,  I think I
> this to be in my garden in Illinois.

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