Chilean plant books

Jane McGary
Tue, 13 Apr 2010 13:19:09 PDT
While sorting out my library in preparation for moving, I discovered 
that I still have two extra copies of "Flora nativa de valor 
ornamental, Zona Norte," by Riedemann, Aldunate, and Teillier. I 
ordered a batch of these for a group of friends when it was 
published, as it is very hard to buy because the publisher insists on 
payment by bank transfer. This full-color book is one of a series on 
the different regions of Chile and includes a large paperbound volume 
with descriptions (in Spanish) of genera and species, including 
cultivation information and native sites, as well as a smaller book 
"Rutas y senderos" ("roads and trails") with suggested routes for 
botanizing, in this case in the arid north of the country. The two 
volumes come in a plastic case. They are expensive.  I can't post 
commercial details on this site, but if you are interested, please 
write to me privately.

Jane McGary

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