There are only hints of color outside in this suburb of Boston -- the odd flower of Viola odorata and Primula polyanthus, Spiranthes odorata (but will it last the winter?), and the fading heads of Coreopsis helianthoides -- but the greenhouses are going strong, with several kinds of Camellia, Erica caniculata, Grevillea thelemanniana, Othonna carnosa, Oxalis carnosa, hirta, lobata, and rubra, Nerine bowdenii stefani, Rosmarinus officinalis, Amaryllis belladonna, Romulea autumnalis, Schlumbergera. Narcissus 'Nylon', Lachenalia rubida, and Saxifraga fortunei that was brought in for seed set. These all find the environment of a cold (quite cold) greenhouse compatible. Jim Jones Lexington, MA