list archives/ Pacific Bulb Society web page

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 13 Nov 2009 07:12:43 PST

I'd like to remind you that David Pilling has created a wonderful way 
to search the wiki or the archives.

This url is included on the bottom of every individual post from the 
group and on the top of the digest.

To find a previous BX listing if you have not kept a copy on your 
computer, all you have to do is to type the BX and the correct number 
in the search box.

We have also made a BX page linked to the Pacific Bulb Society page 
which describes the BX and has a pay pal button on it for those 
people who would prefer to pay that way instead of sending a check to 
the treasurer.

Nhu has improved the Pacific Bulb Society page so that there are 
random images of bulbs each time you access it.

Mary Sue

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