Spring off to a slow start

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:08:29 PDT
Jane McGary wrote: “When I move to the city I'll be 
facing the same kind of squirrels Jim has in Maryland, because some 
idiot introduced the eastern gray squirrel in Portland, Oregon years 
ago. It has driven out the native small brown Douglas squirrel, which 
is the species I have here in the foothills. Both are real pests in 
the bulb garden.”

From what I’ve read, that same idiot got around a lot. He or she also seems
to have traveled in Europe extensively with enough squirrels to get them
started in several countries.  And believe it or not, there are those who
say that the gray squirrels we now have here in the greater Washington, D.C.
area are imports. The nineteenth century predilection for Cumberland stew
seems to have resulted in the extermination of the local, indigenous
populations of both gray and fox squirrels. My father, who grew up on a farm
in Caroline County, Virginia, always marveled at the brazen, cheeky
squirrels we have here in Maryland. He used to joke that back home you
couldn’t get within rifle range of a wild squirrel or crow. 

Jane, that small plant of Fritillaria raddeana is quite the charmer: I’m not
sure I want a big, strapping three footer! Until last fall it had been grown
in a pot, a four inch pot. This year its roots are free to roam in one of
the unprotected cold frames. We’ll see what happens.

Jane, what potting medium do you use for this species? And do you grow it in
a pot, a big pot? 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone
7, where the peepers have been in chorus off and on since March 7.
My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/
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