Braggin' about what's blooming
Tue, 03 Mar 2009 11:20:03 PST
Dear All,

Just before we got four or five inches of snow, there were the first of the crocuses,
Galanthus elwesii, and Eranthis hyemalis blooming in the garden. Now they are buried.

But indoors there is a flush of things beginning to bloom or finishing up:  Hippeastrum
papilio is done but looks like it might be setting seed. Similarly, Phaedranassa cinerea
has swollen ovaries. And Pamianthe peruviana may also be setting seed, but it is too
early to tell.

Just starting are Cyrtanthus falcatus, Clinanthus (Stenomesson) latifolium, Eucrosia
bicolor, Urceolina peruviana, and another that looks like it will be a different
Phaedranassa, along with various Hippeastrum crosses. Finally, a clivia from seed
donated to the BX a few years back is about to bloom for the first time:  C. miniata
'Tricolor' x 'Flame'

I grew the several of the South Americans in full sun this summer and fed them with an
organic potassium supplement along with their regular bulb food. They have been almost
bone dry since late September.

Please, others, tell us what you've got blooming.


SE Pennsylvania, Zone 6/7 High today 20F (-7C), low tonight 6F (-15C).

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