Sorry for Mistaken private posting

Paul T.
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 04:18:30 PDT
Sorry All for the mistaken posting to the list instead of to Dell personally.

If anyone else can help with synonymy for the Gladiolus and 
Lapierousia (probably best to send to me privately) that would be 
great.  So often names change and our quarantine may only have it 
under an old name instead of a new one.


Paul T.
Canberra, Australia - USDA Zone Equivalent approx. 8/9

Growing an eclectic collection of plants from all over the world 
including Aroids, Crocus, Cyclamen, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, 
Galanthus, Irises, Trilliums (to name but a few) and just about 
anything else that doesn't move!! 

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