Fwd: [ALPINE-L] Seed exports to the U.S.

J.E. Shields jshields@indy.net
Fri, 31 Jul 2009 06:41:37 PDT
Please read this message from Joyce Fingerut regarding use of the Small 
Lots of Seeds import permit.

Jim Shields

>Date:         Thu, 30 Jul 2009 16:19:52 -0400
>From:         Joyce Fingerut <alpinegarden@COMCAST.NET>
>Subject: [ALPINE-L] Seed exports to the U.S.
>To Canadian and overseas exporters of seed to the U.S.:
>I have been advised, by an APHIS Inspector, of problems with shipments
>of seed entering the U.S. under the Small Lots of Seed permit.  The
>seeds themselves seem to be fine, but the packaging and labeling have
>not met all of the Conditions on the Small Lots of Seed permit.
>You want to be certain that your hard work, either collecting and
>cleaning seeds, or working to fill U.S. members' requests for seed, is
>not in vain and that your seeds find their way into the U.S.  So
>please take a moment to read and follow these guidelines and the
>instructions on pages 2 and 3 of the Permit.
>Every packet of seed must be labeled with the exporter's name and the
>name of the seed, as well as the country of origin.
>If all of the seed is from one country (although not necessarily from
>one site), you may write on the Invoice:
>"Unless otherwise noted, all seed is from _________."
>This will save you from having to write the same country name on all
>the individual packets of garden-collected seed.  All packets of wild- 
>collected seed from countries other than your home will need to have
>the country of origin noted.  Please be aware that it must have the
>name of a country, not simply a mountain range or a region  (e.g.:
>Tadjikistan, not Pamir Mountains; Russia, not Caucasus).
>Seal the seed packet securely!
>Tape, or fold down the corners to prevent leaks. Open packets are
>simply not allowed entry into the U.S.: seed can leak out and into
>other packets, and bugs and contaminating debris can get in.  Such
>packets (indeed, the whole shipment) could be destroyed at the
>Inspection Station.
>The Invoice for the shipment is equally important.  Use a clean sheet
>of paper, and type (or print legibly) the full names of all the taxa
>in your shipment - in alphabetical order, please.  Be sure that your
>name and address are legible at the top.  Add any information you care
>to write about collection numbers, or characteristics of the plant,
>but be sure to write the country of origin for each taxon of both
>garden- and wild-collected plants - or use the alternative blanket
>statements covering all taxa (as mentioned above).
>Be sure to send only 50 packets of seed in each shipment.  Each
>individual packet must contain 50 seeds or 10 grams, whichever is
>MORE. And, of course, make certain that none of your seeds are on the
>list of restricted or prohibited taxa:
>These permit conditions are no more than what was required under the
>old import regulations - but without the cost and bother of a
>phytosanitary certificate.  In "the old days," the requirements simply
>weren't enforced.  Those days are gone, and all seeds are now
>assiduously inspected, whether entering with a phyto or under the
>Small Lots of Seed permit.
>So it goes.....
>Please feel free to cross-post this guide to other listservs.
>Thank you -
>Joyce Fingerut
>Stonington, Connecticut, U.S.A.
>Zone 6

Jim Shields             USDA Zone 5             Shields Gardens, Ltd.
P.O. Box 92              WWW:    http://www.shieldsgardens.com/
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA
Tel. ++1-317-867-3344     or      toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA

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