Hi Jim, I used to grow Crinum americanum in a garden pond at my previous house, where it flowered every year. When I moved here I brought the container of C. americanum with me and planted them in the wettest spot I could find in the garden. They grew fine, survived the winters, and multiplied too, but never flowered, not wet enough, so I dug them out and gave them to a friend with a pond. I can successfully grow and flower its close relative, C. erubescens, in moist soil, so that's what I grow in its place. C. erubescens gets out of bounds sometimes, but it's not been too badly behaved and the extras are easily removed. Jay Yourch Raleigh, NC PS Lycoris squamigera, chinensis, and longituba are making a huge show here this year! Jim Waddick wrote: Also blooming in a pot is C. americanum. I am wondering if it might be hardy in the ground. Jay Yourch in North Carolina?